General Flynn Warns Obama & Brennan-Led Deep State Still Working Against MAGA Agenda

brennan obama working against Trump agenda

Original Article by Kelen McBreen

General Michael Flynn joined The Alex Jones Show on Friday to sound the alarm about former President Barack Obama and Ex-CIA Director John Brennan running a clandestine operation to undermine the Donald Trump administration.

The Deep State Marxists are using pro-establishment government insiders to thwart Trump’s progress and continue pushing the globalist agenda.

“I do want him [Trump] to really take a hard look at his authorities to be able to remove people that need to be removed and be able to reduce the size of the executive branch…” Flynn said.

Signaling a move in the right direction, Trump told at least six high-ranking FBI officials this week to pack their bags due to their close association with corrupt ex-FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Flynn told Jones, “What people want in this country is they want accountability of those who have committed these treasonous acts and tried to subvert our nation. Many of these people are still around… They’re still involved in companies and activities, and they still have these networks inside of the government.”

The general also said Obama was running the Biden administration and was behind the repeated attacks on Trump during his first presidency. 

It’s imperative that the Trump administration weeds out the treasonous individuals engaged in espionage on behalf of the globalists.

“This is really a Marxist movement inside the United States of America that has been going on for a long time, even pre-Trump,” Flynn stated, explaining the communist infiltrators are still running covert operations from within the executive branch.

Speaking on China’s role in purposely destroying America, Flynn said they “have people” in Congress and other branches of government.

Flynn addressed We The People near the end of the interview, reminding the masses it’s unwise to become too comfortable amid Trump presidency victories as the New World Order is still attempting to enslave humanity.

“The American people should feel rightly euphoric, but here’s where I’m at. We have to be disciplined, we have to understand that in order to maintain this beautiful country of ours it’s going to require sacrifice… We all still have a responsibility,” he said. 

Following the interview, General Flynn responded to the breaking news that Trump banned Brennan from all federal buildings, writing, “The beginning of the end…more to come.”

Views: 306
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