One in Every 500 Small Children Who Receive the Pfizer Jab Are Hospitalized By It!

child Pfizer jab

Original Article by Daily Sceptic

A staggering “One in every 500″ children under five years who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine were hospitalized with a vaccine injury, and one in 200 had symptoms ongoing for weeks or months afterwards, a study has found.

The study published in JAMA included 7,806 children aged five or younger who were followed up on for an average of 91.4 days following their first Pfizer vaccination. It was a retrospective cohort study done as an authenticated online survey (response rate 41.1%) in spring 2022 which included parents or caregivers who registered children for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in outpatient care facilities in Germany. It compared the adverse events to those of the same children with other vaccinations in order to control for over-reporting.

It concluded that the symptoms reported after Pfizer vaccination were “comparable overall” to those for other vaccines. Let’s see.

  • Any symptoms: 62% higher
  • Musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) symptoms: 155% higher
  • Dermatologic (skin) symptoms: 118% higher
  • Otolaryngologic (ears, nose and throat) symptoms: 537% higher
  • Cardiovascular (heart etc.): 36% higher
  • Gastrointestinal (stomach etc.): 54% higher

It calls these “modestly elevated”. (Note that not all are statistically significant and some confidence intervals are wide, see below.)

In 0.5% of the children (40 of 7,806) symptoms were “currently ongoing and thus of unknown significance”. This is in a study with a 2-4 month follow-up period. That means 0.5% of children had an adverse effect that lasted for weeks or months. In two cases (0.03%), symptoms were confirmed to have lasted longer than 90 days.

Ten children were hospitalized with reported serious adverse events (SAEs), compared to zero with the other vaccines. This reported as 0.1%, as it is out of 7,806. However, the study also states that no hospitalizations were reported for children administered the low dosage of 3 μg. Since it also tells us that 6,033 children received at least one dose of over 3 μg (or unknown dosage), the rate in the relevant cohort is closer to 0.2%, or around one in 500.

Four of the hospitalizations were for cardiovascular injury; one child was hospitalized after both doses for this reason. Four were pulmonary (lung) related. Symptoms of the hospitalized children lasted an average of 12.2 days and a maximum of 60 days. None reported a myocarditis diagnosis. Mercifully, no deaths were reported in this relatively small sample.

The mortality rate in under-20s has been shown to be 0.0003%. The figure for under-fives will be even lower. But even if we unrealistically assume this is the mortality rate for under-fives and the vaccines reduce it to zero, this still means that at least 500 children are hospitalized for every life the vaccines save. In reality the ratio will be much worse than this.

Yet the EU has just authorized the jab for this age group, and the U.S. is adding it to its childhood vaccination schedule. Madness.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the rest of the globalists KNOW people will be dying in mass and they continue to push their “destroy and depopulate agenda,” pretty much unfettered by a dumbed down and apathetic public. If we don’t purposefully stand against this tyranny, we’ll be killed or controlled anyway!

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