Original Article By Edward Hendrie
November 15, 2020
On February 5, the Diamond Princess was boarded at port Yokohama in Tokyo Bay by Japanese health officials. Those health officials pronounced that 10 persons on board were diagnosed as having coronavirus, later known as COVID-19. The ship was ordered quarantined for 14 days. Nobody could leave the ship during the quarantine period. Within 3 days another 125 passengers were diagnosed with having COVID-19). By February 13, a total of 218 people were diagnosed with having COVID-19.
A little known fact is that the Diamond Princess was sporting some new high tech 5G towers. An earlier news release explained that “Princess Cruises has announced a new dimension in its connectivity partnership with SES and will become the first global cruise ship fleet with early access to SES’s O3b mPOWER network augmenting the Princess Medallion Class experience as it scales across the fleet, according to a press release.” Cruise Industry News, February 3, 2020.
Is there a connection between the newly installed 5G network on the ship and the passengers being struck ill with coronavirus? The Princess cruise line that installed the 5G had outbreaks of COVID-19. In March 2020, the Grand Princess had outbreaks of COVID-19 before docking in San Francisco. The Ruby Princess was reported to have had an outbreak of COVID-19 involving 600 passengers prior to docking on March 19, 2020, at Sydney, Australia. All of those ships are Medallion Class ships with the new 5G tower connectivity from SES’s O3b mPOWER.
SES explains on their website that the O3b mPOWER is a next-generation 5G satellite signal system.
Together with key stakeholders and technology partners, SES Networks is advancing satellite integration into 5G through standardization, technology development and demonstrations.
SES Networks is advancing satellite integration into 5G through standardization, technology development and demonstrations.
We’ve also invested in the revolutionary O3b mPOWER next-generation satellite system, which will augment our existing MEO assets with terabit-scale capabilities.
Studies Prove Connection Between 5G and COVID-19 Symptoms
What is the effect of 5G on humans? Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D, sought to answer that question. Dr. Havas “compared the average number of cases, deaths, and tests for covid-19 per million population in states with and without 5G.”
Dr. Havas found that the standardized testing for states with and without 5G was similar. But he discovered a real difference in COVID-19 cases per million population for those states that deployed 5G. Dr. Havas found that “Covid-19 cases per million are 95% higher and covid-19 deaths per million are 126% higher in states with 5G.”

“The results obtained demonstrate a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.”
“The case of San Marino is particularly significant. It was the first state in the world to install 5G and therefore, the state whose citizens have been exposed to 5G radiation the longest, and suspiciously, the first state in the world with infections. The probability of this happening is 1 in 37,636.”
Indeed, San Marino is truly a stark indicator of 5G culpability for COVID-19. It was the first European state to adopt 5G technology and had virtually no regulations on its use. Notably, San Marino has the highest incident per 1,000 population of COVID-19 in Europe. Indeed, its rate is a whopping 27 times greater than the infection rate in Croatia. Why such a stark difference between San Marino and Croatia? The reason is that Croatia does not have 5G.
5G Explains Cruise Ship COVID-19 Outbreak
Does 5G explain the COVID-19 outbreak on the Princess cruise ships? A researcher has studied the COVID-19 outbreak aboard the Diamond Princess and he concluded the following:
But they won’t! The giant tech cell companies are making TOO MUCH money to care about you!

Diamond Princess on or about February 5, 2020, Docked at Tokyo Bay During Its COVID-19 Quarantine (Photograph: Philip Fong/Getty Images)
Wuhan is China’s Experimental City For 5G
China has one of the largest 5G networks in the world. In November 2019, the Chinese government announced plans to blanket China with more than 130,000 5G base stations.
Wuhan, China, which started the entire alleged COVID-19 pandemic, was interestingly enough one of the first cities in China to be blanketed with 5G technology. The plans to blanket Wuhan in 5G bandwidth was announced in April 2018. The Chinese government announced that, “by 2020, 5G network will cover every corner of the city.”
Sure enough, right on cue, as soon as the 5G network was fired up in Wuhan, the citizens started dropping like flies with symptoms that exactly mirrored the symptoms associated with COVID-19.
What Does 5G Do To Humans?
Scientific researchers looked a the science behind 5G and its effects on the human body. They stated:
Id. at 1.
The researchers explained:
Thus, towers in this technology could exchange waves with DNAs within cells and produce various types of diseases such as COVID-19.
Id. at 5.
How does this happen? They state that “5G technology waves could pass the cell membranes and lead to production of COVID-19.” Id. at 7.
The researchers concluded:
In this research, we have shown that new generation mobile technology, like 5G, could have the main role in constructing various types of viruses, such as Coronaviruses, within a cell.
Id. at 9.
These astounding findings were met with an outcry from the larger scientific community who put pressure on the publisher of the research paper, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, to withdraw the publication of the paper, which they did. The paper is now listed as a retracted research paper.
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G in writing on the NIH website here: The government admits it!

There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR [wireless communications radiation] exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19.
Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.
WCR exposure is a widespread, yet often neglected, environmental stressor that can produce a wide range of adverse bioeffects. For decades, independent research scientists worldwide have emphasized the health risks and cumulative damage caused by WCR [42,45]. The evidence presented here is consistent with a large body of established research. Healthcare workers and policymakers should consider WCR a potentially toxic environmental stressor. Methods for reducing WCR exposure should be provided to all patients and the general population.
Want to see the current 5G rollouts in cities across the globe? CLICK HERE
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