hillary clinton

Deep State Never Planned On Losing

The Deep State minions, former President Obama and Hillary Clinton planned on providing the “one-two punch” to completely knock America out, but the deep state never planned on losing. Why does America need to be…

Memo Too Dangerous For America To See

Would releasing the memo regarding the illegal FISA issued spy warrants on Candidate Trump and his staff send the Deep State servants to prison including Obama and Clinton? Now that the memo is suppose to…

Lawless Left Lashing Out From Desperation

I’ve never seen the “lawless left” lashing out from desperation more than we’re witnessing it now! During the election and now after the election. All the “talking heads” of the lawless left were lied to…

Chaos In America Is A Given

By Mike Adams (NaturalNews) Is chaos in America a given? The clock is ticking for the future of America. It looks like chaos in America is a given, based on the globalists push for a…