Large Hadron Collider

What exactly is CERN and the Large Hadron Collider? The definition at Wikipedia is: The world’s largest and most powerful particle collider, the largest, most complex experimental facility ever built, and the largest single machine…

The Real Purpose Of Chemtrails

Chemtrails or geoengineering is a reality in our world today. For those that have never even noticed them, all I can say is “LOOK UP ONCE IN AWHILE!” There has been more speculation about the…

Illusion Of Choice And Facts

Most people don’t understand just how little media choice you have in getting all the facts, about anything, in a world where the media is so controlled. We all know about these “other” countries that…

Catholic Church Lucifer Telescope

Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, Catholic church announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument ‘Lucifer’. There has been a great deal of speculation, among…

Is Obama Moving To His Next Position Now

Barack Obama has privately campaigned to succeed Ban Ki-moon as United Nations Secretary General at the end of 2016. I’ll bet you haven’t heard a thing about this little news item. “And the beast which…

Christian Bigotry Worst Example

Bigotry is “intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself,” according to the dictionary. That should not be associated with Christianity. Tuesday the UM Kairos Response (UMKR) folks celebrated a victory for their side,…